smart iris recognition

Towards More Discriminative and Robust Iris Recognition by Learning Uncertain Factors

The uncontrollable acquisition process limits the performance of iris recognition. In the acquisition process, various inevitable factors, including eyes, devices, and environment, hinder the iris recognition system from learning a discriminative …

Multitask deep active contour-based iris segmentation for off-angle iris images

Iris recognition has been considered as a secure and reliable biometric technology. However, iris images are prone to off-angle or are partially occluded when captured with fewer user cooperations. As a consequence, iris recognition especially iris …

Overview of Recent Published Papers

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Cross-spectral Iris Recognition by Learning Device-specific Band

Cross-spectral recognition is still an open challenge in iris recognition. In cross-spectral iris recognition, there exist distinct device-specific bands between near-infrared (NIR) and visible (VIS) images, resulting in the distribution gap between …

Iris Normalization Beyond Appr-Circular Parameter Estimation

The requirement to recognize the iris image of low-quality is rapidly increasing with the practical application of iris recognition, especially the urgent need for high-throughput or applications in covert situations. The appr-circle fitting can not …

Flexible Iris Matching Based on Spatial Feature Reconstruction

In an iris recognition-at-a-distance (IAAD) system used in surveillance scenarios, the camera usually captures a large number of low-quality images. These images exhibit partial occlusions due to eyelids and eyelashes, specular reflections, and …

A Large-scale Database for Less Cooperative Iris Recognition

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, iris recognition has been used increasingly as contactless and unaffected by face masks. Although less user cooperation is an urgent demand for existing systems, corresponding manually annotated databases …

CASIA-Face-Africa: A Large-Scale African Face Image Database

Face recognition is a popular and well-studied area with wide applications in our society. However, racial bias had been proven to be inherent in most State Of The Art (SOTA) face recognition systems. Many investigative studies on face recognition …


从手机解锁、小区门禁到餐厅吃饭、超市收银,再到高铁进站、机场安检以及医院看病,人脸、虹膜和指纹等生物特征已成为人们进入万物互联世界的数字身份证。生物特征识别赋予机器自动探测、捕获、处理、分析和识别数字化生理或行为信号的高级智能,是一个典型而又复杂的模式识别问题,一直处于人工智能技术发展前沿,在新一代人工智能规划、“互联网+”行动计划等国家战略中具有重要地位。由于生物特征识别涉及公众利益攸关的隐私、道德和法律等问题,近期也引起了广泛的社会关注。本文系统综述了生物特征识别学科发展现状、新兴方向、存在 …

An End-to-End Autofocus Camera for Iris on the Move

For distant iris recognition, a long focal length lens is generally used to ensure the resolution of iris images, which reduces the depth of field and leads to potential defocus blur. To accommodate users at different distances, it is necessary to …