smart iris recognition

Sclera-TransFuse: Fusing Vision Transformer and CNN for Accurate Sclera Segmentation and Recognition

This paper investigates a deep learning based unified framework for accurate sclera segmentation and recognition, named Sclera-TransFuse. Unlike previous CNN-based methods, our framework incorporates Vision Transformer and CNN to extract …

Two paper were accepted to Mahcine Intelligence Research (MIR) and another one was accpeted to TIFS 2024

Boosting multi-modal ocular recognition via spatial feature reconstruction and unsupervised image quality estimation, CASIA-Iris-Africa: A Large-scale African Iris Image Database, Multi-Faceted Knowledge-Driven Graph Neural Network for Iris Segmentation

One paper was accepted to International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2023)

Sclera-TransFuse: Fusing Swin Transformer and CNN for Accurate Sclera Segmentation

One paper was accepted to T-PAMI 2023 and another was accpeted to TIFS 2023

Multiscale Dynamic Graph Representation for Biometric Recognition with Occlusions, Iris-GuideNet: Guided Localisation and Segmentation Network for Unconstrained Iris Biometrics

D-ESRGAN: A Dual-Encoder GAN with Residual CNN and Vision Transformer for Iris Image Super-Resolution

Iris images captured in less-constrained environments, especially at long distances often suffer from the interference of low resolution, resulting in the loss of much valid iris texture information for iris recognition. In this paper, we propose a …

Contextual Measures for Iris Recognition

The iris patterns of the human contain a large amount of randomly distributed and irregularly shaped microstructures. These microstructures make the human iris informative biometric traits. To learn identity representation from them, this paper …

One paper was accepted to International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022)

Disentangled Federated Learning for Tackling Attributes Skew via Invariant Aggregation and Diversity Transferring

FedIris: Towards More Accurate and Privacy-Preserving Iris Recognition via Federated Template Communication

As biometric data undergo rapidly growing privacy concerns, building large-scale datasets has become more difficult. Unfortunately, current iris databases are mostly in small scale, e.g., thousands of iris images from hundreds of identities. What's …

One paper was accepted to Mahcine Intelligence Research (MIR) and another one was accpeted to CVPRW 2022

Towards Interpretable Defense Against Adversarial Attacks via Causal Inference, FedIris: Towards More Accurate and Privacy-preserving Iris Recognition via Federated Template Communication

One paper was accepted to IEEE TIFS and another one was accpeted to Journal of Electronic Imaging

Towards More Discriminative and Robust Iris Recognition by Learning Uncertain Factors, Multitask deep active contour-based iris segmentation for off-angle iris images